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Zoombies NFT Cards
Trade them, gift them, or collect them to build a strong deck.




Default Booster Minting Probability: 64.9%

common card
uncommon card

Default Booster Minting Probability: 29.9%

Default Booster Minting Probability: 4.98%

rare card
epic card

Default Booster Minting Probability: 0.01%

There are four rarity types of Zoombies NFT Cards: Uncommon, Common, Rare & Epic.
Each card also has an edition number and level. Cards can be a Plant, Animal, Person or Thing and each card has a ZOOM burn amount. Players can collect this ZOOM burn amount if they choose to sacrifice the NFT card, destroying it forever.

There are two ways to mint Zoombies NFT Cards: buying them in the Shop or winning them in the Lucky Strike Booster Roll Game. On the top right corner of each card, there is a shop         symbol or a booster         symbol to indicate how the card was minted.
shop icon
booster icon
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shop icon

The Shop is the place to mint limited edition Zoombies Cards NFT tokens. Some cards are free, some have a cost. If you want to buy a limited edition Zoombies NFT from the Shop, you will need the required minimum balance of ZOOM tokens displayed on the bottom of the card.

Each card in the Shop also has a Fast Pass         price which allows you to bypass the ZOOM requirement and buy the card immediately (on non-Free cards only).


Your newly minted NFT will
appear in your NFT Crypt once

the transaction is confirmed. 

my crypt
rare card
Your Crypt


booster icon

You may also play the Lucky Strike Booster Roll game to mint a random booster edition NFT token. There are two ways to get booster credits: buy buying them and by collecting them for FREE!

Every player receives FREE Booster Credits every day! Simply return to the game daily to collect them.


epic card
booster roll game
booster credit claim

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Global Token Holdings Inc.
Floor 4, Willow House, Cricket Square George Town Grand Cayman KY1, 9010, Cayman Islands

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